Prepare to be amazed by the incredible transformations of these beloved characters and actors. From wizards to warriors, their journeys through time are truly unforgettable. Macaulay...
Johnny Depp and his former attorney, Joelle Rich’s romantic relationship might have a longer timeline than everyone thinks. Sources told TMZ that Johnny and Joelle were...
Amber Heard is set to release therapy notes dating back to 2011 from the very beginning of her relationship with Johnny Depp. The 36-year-old actress says...
Johnny Depp has won his defamation case against Amber Heard and the jury awarded him $15million. $10million in compensatory damages and $5million in punitive damages. The...
Ellen Barkin, who dated Johnny Depp in the 1990s, has testified that Depp tried to constantly monitor her when the two were in a relationship. Depp...
Hollywood actor, Johnny Depp’s appeal to overturn a damning high court ruling which backed a report that he assaulted his ex-wife Amber Heard and left her...
Johnny Depp’s love story with ex-wife Amber Heard has been marred by controversies. However, there was once a time when the actor enjoyed utter bliss on...