Nigerian renowned producer, Sarz and his regular collaborator, WurlD has released an animated video to their song ‘Focus‘. The song ‘Focus‘ is taken from Sarz and...
WurlD just hit back on stage with his latest hit-track titled “Birthday Song & Palmwine Riddim.” Featuring Zeal VVIP Offing the just premiered “Afrosoul EP” by...
WurlD just hit back on stage with his latest hit-track titled “National Anthem (Growing Wings).” Offing the just premiered “Afrosoul EP” by the super talented Nigerian...
WurlD just hit back on stage with his latest hit-track titled “Story.” Offing the just premiered “Afrosoul EP” by the super talented Nigerian singer and songwriter,...
WurlD’s stellar penmanship is further displayed in “Ghost Town“, as its lyrics open up discussions around the feelings of loneliness that often come with chasing a...